1-5 CABBC 6-10 ACBCB 11-15 ABBCA
16. art class 17. pencils 18. pick up
19. more beautiful 20. write something
26-30 ABCBD 31-35 BACDB 36-40 AABCD
41-45 BBCBA 46-50 CCDAD 51-55 BFAGC
56. daily 57. be/feel/get afraid/scared
58. (installed) on mobile phones
59. take the bus 60. easily find the place
61. cheaper 62. send 63. yourself
64. personal 65. need 66. was
67. emails 68. traditional 69. rapidly
70. played 71.4/four 72. scientist
73. making minor mistakes
74. 5/Five 75. get the right things online
76. Do you know that place
77. Why is it very important in Chinese history
78. What is Yan'an Spirit 79. You are right
80.You are welcome
This term, my teacher assigned me a project to grow a plant and record its changes.
I chose a sunflower and named it Sunny. I put the seats to a nice container and carefully recorded their changes. Each day, I watered and looked after Sunny with care. It was fascinating to see how it slowly grew taller and stronger. When I saw the sun flowers grew well I get a strong feeling of satisfaction. And the funny shape of the sunflower makes me deeply interested in it.
The interesting experience taught me patience and the beauty of nature. I hope you try this too!